Do you sometimes find it difficult to locate continuing education classes that will directly benefit your practice?
We understand. You are busy caring for your clients and having a life outside of work, and the last thing you have is extra hours to sit in a classroom and listen to someone talk. You love animals, and you want to LEARN PRACTICAL WAYS to help them.
There are so many CE course options available, it can feel overwhelming when you are trying to decide which one is the right course for you. Are you looking for Continuing Education courses with a heavy focus on true application that you can use to grow your practice, help more horses, and improve your client interaction?
That is WHY we developed the EquiCanis Africa Licensed Professionals track. Whether you’re looking to get your continuing education hours, explore emerging alternative treatment options, or engage in lifelong learning, EquiCanis Institute is the BEST OPTION FOR YOU!
Experience the Difference the Right Course Makes
Many EquiCanis Africa Courses Are RACE-Approved
Our top-notch Equinology curriculum has been recognized and approved by many continuing education providers, and we feature small class sizes and lecturers who are THE BEST veterinarians and professionals in horse healthcare!
EquiCanis Africa takes everything that is amazing about the Equinology curriculum and makes it accessible to you with a first-class lineup of instructors, carefully designed curriculum, and a full course catalog.