So much information is shared amongst the participants, loads of questions are explored, light bulbs are constantly going on and huge smiles of comprehension continue throughout the duration of the workshop.
All of the following topics are included in this class:
Vocabulary:Anatomy vocabulary, directional terms, veterinary terms
Skeletal structure: Form and function, skeletal organisation, thoracic and pelvic appendicular system, axial skeletal system, bony landmark and surface anatomy identification
Muscle structure:
- Function and form
- Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
- Relationship to orientation
- Deep, middle and superficial major muscles
- Reciprocal apparatus
- Passive stay apparatus of the hind & fore limb
- Injuries and issues relating to muscles
Course Practicals:
This seven-day course is taught in increments in a study group format with a highly hands-on approach. This course is run in 3 days on, one day off for self-study and finishes with another 3 days on.
Using bones, models, visuals, books, hand-outs, reference material and live horses, Debranne Pattillo, MEEBW, and president and founder of Equinology Inc®, will lead and direct the group. Students will work in teams of two, building the muscles on the Equiken® models at a comfortable pace, researching each muscle as the building progresses. Students become very familiar with various published books, publications and internet resources during the course, thus enabling them to research anatomy better. The student will have a chance to ensure he or she has understood the information by completing a self-assessment before the beginning of each class.
This is not like those anatomy classes you’ve attended with a dry lecturer reciting from a book. Debranne’s wit and style make this a fun course. She uses various approaches that leave you with the increased knowledge to continue on in your own studies. Past students rave about this course and return year after year.
- Equine body workers & massage therapists: the difference between an average equine bodyworker and a great one is accuracy. This course fills that gap & more
- Anyone considering working professionally in the field of equine body work. Although the course is not required to participate in our Equinology Equine Body Worker Certification courses, it provides a beneficial head start to if you continue onto the certification course
- Instructors & trainers analytical skills are honed after understanding the structure of the horse. This knowledge improves your riding and teaching skills
- Saddle fitters, trimmers & farriers
“You can look at pictures all day, you can look at photos, but nothing will cement your understanding of origin, insertion, and function like building the muscles on a 3D model. There is something about making them and attaching them to the skeleton that really deepens your grasp of anatomy. Working with the clay is so much fun! It’s like being a kid again, but you get to keep your adult brain and learn something really important. We laughed … a lot. You don’t need to be an artist, or have any sculpting skills. All you need is curiosity and a desire for a fuller understanding of the equine body.” — Tracy Kerby
After completing the course students will be able to:
- list and identify the four layers of muscle to be able to incorporate this knowledge into the student’s session and discuss these muscles accurately with their client’s and other team members
- identify the surface anatomy and use this knowledge to assess symmetry of the muscles and the bones
- understand the relationship between the structure and function of muscles thus expanding the participant’s knowledge for use in their work with horses
- discuss the restriction of normal muscle function and how it relates to equine performance
- utilize the referenced anatomy to enhance your current level of knowledge and/or incorporate this working knowledge into your current profession
- distinguish the symmetry or lack of symmetry in muscles to determine is the issue needs addressing by the veterinarian or other health care professional
- diagram the origin and insertion of the muscles discussed in the course which enables the participant an easier format to recall muscle function
- integrate how a dysfunctional stay apparatus and/or reciprocal apparatus may affect a horse’s health or performance and
- translate one and two dimensional references for muscles and bones into a three dimensional understanding
This subject matter for this course is presented in a variety of mediums. For those who are just beginning any type of anatomy education, independent home study is suggested by reviewing a glossary which is provided with course registration. Classroom lectures may be supported by visual aids (slides, PowerPoint, model, specimen or overheads) and discussion. For the classroom lab portions the students will pair up and build on the Equiken® model with clay in addition to researching the reference books to share the information with the rest of the class, in addition to drawing and diagramming. The lab practicals vary depending on the topic and can be supported by templates, labeling sessions, gait analysis sessions, muscle and surface anatomy identification and practical hands-on. Independent additional study activities are required in the evenings. This study will be evaluated through self-assessments and quizzes.
An anatomy course is required for the Equinology ® Equine Body Worker Level II Certification. A second anatomy course is required for the Equinology ® Master Equine Body Worker Certification. You may take EQ200, EQ900 or EQ910 to fulfill the requirements. For details of Certification requirements please go to: Equinology Qualifications
Should you have any specific requirements or needs please inform us (, so we can address your needs and prepare your Instructor prior to the course.
Students are required to attend all six days of class in the classroom and are expected to spend the off day reviewing material for at least 8 hours.
Class starts promptly at 8:00 am each day & concludes at around 5:30pm (arrive at 7:45 am on Day 1 for registration) with 30 minutes for lunch plus a morning and afternoon break.
For this course there are 50 hours of guided study (case studies and extra learning activities) once the student leaves the class.
Includes Rental of Equiken® Model and Clay, course workbook and hand-outs, supplies and your guided externship. It does not include accommodation or lunch. Snacks and hot & cool drinks are provided during breaks. A fridge and microwave are available.
The Equiken® models used for the course were created by Jon Zahourek of Anatomy in Clay® Learning Systems. Anatomy in Clay offers several courses at their Colorado, USA base. Have a look at for courses on equine, canine and human anatomy. Please register directly with them for those courses or write to for dates and costs. The 6-day courses that are taught there are suitable for the require anatomy modules for the EEBW Level III and the MEEBW Certificates of Achievement.
ANATOMY IN CLAY® and EQUIKEN® are registered trademarks of Zahourek Systems, Inc. or affiliates in the US or other countries. Authorization for limited trademark use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System.” or as otherwise requested by Zahourek.
© Zahourek Systems, Inc. and affiliates. All rights reserved. This material may not be copied, rewritten, broadcasted, or redistributed. Authorization for limited copyright use licensed by Zahourek Systems, Inc., a sole provider of Anatomy in Clay® Learning System.” or as otherwise requested by Zahourek.
This course is open to everyone who has a good knowledge of veterinary vocabulary and anatomy. (Good equine bodywork courses which focus on anatomy or an anatomy course no less than 200 hours will usually cover enough to prepare participants).
If you feel you are already well versed in vocabulary and the musculoskeletal system please contact the office to waive this prerequisite. Otherwise students must review the veterinary vocabulary and terms, skeletal anatomy, and bony landmarks in the Equine Anatomy EQ50
This is the precourse used for the Equinology ® Equine Body Worker Certification Courses so it is not necessary to redo for those having participated in the EEBW course. Please register for the pre-course study with plenty of time to go through the material, the more familiar you are, the more you will get out of the course!
If students are not extremely familiar with equine anatomy they should register for the EQ50: Pre-course Distance Equine Anatomy Course well in advance of this course (See Prerequisite requirements).
Text and Materials Required:
- Rental of Equiken® Model and Clay Supplies: Included
- Course Workbook: Included
- Course Handouts: Included
- Externship Grading (Case Studies and Visual Presentation) and Certificate: Included
- Debranne Pattillo’s Anatomy of Equine Bodywork; the Equinology® Approach – available at a reduced price. Previous EEBW Certification Students should bring their EQ100 Manual for review and reference.
Books for the Classroom:
We recommend students bring at least one anatomy book to class, suggestions include:
- The Horse anatomy workbook by Maggie Raynor
- Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy: The Horse Volume 2 by Ashdown and Done
- Atlas of Equine Anatomy by Chris Pasquini
- Clinical Anatomy of the Horse by Clayton and Flood.