New Format! Brenda Aloff needs no introduction to professionals working with dogs. She is the author of numerous publications and videos as well as a sought-after international lecturer. As always, we bring you the best of the best in the industry. While this course is specifically formatted to assist our Caninology Canine Body Workers and other canine massage therapists, the content will help every dog owner, trainer and any others working in the canine healthcare industry.
Are the dogs you are working with understanding your intentions? Do you communicate effectively to relieve the stress levels and accompanying tension in a strange environment? How can you help them relax during bodywork and training sessions? When have you reached the dogs’ threshold? What kinds of exercises and activities can you use to facilitate the learning process? Do you know what to do if things start going bad? What do you do with the dog on dog reactive dog or aggressive dog? What kinds of safety measures are humane and ethical?
Brenda will address these topics and much more during the 4-day course. You have the option of attending to listen to the lectures and observe the demos and dog training. You are welcome to bring your dog to the course if your dog has nice manners, but we do need this arranged well ahead of the course date. Dogs showing any aggression towards people or other dogs are not allowed in this course due to time constraints. Those bringing dogs will be interviewed prior to the course by the instructor and will be included in 2-3 working sessions for the class. There is an additional fee for those bringing dogs.
How Does Neurobiology Affect the Training Process? Why does this matter to you?
Learning Theory
- What is Training?
- Memory Markers
- Approximations
- Cue System
- Fixed schedules & variable schedules & when they should be used. How do you get the dog off the food?
- How the environment affects behavior & what to do about it
- How different pressures in the environment affect the dog.
- How to talk to your dog about “space” issues, such as reactivity. What is the dog’s point of view regarding proximity?
- Muscular Tension
- How Tension Affects Training
- Identifying Tension
- Diminishing Tension during Your Session
- Why Communication is the Root of Training and Handling.
- How to Communicate Effectively with Dogs
- Technical reasons for non-compliance
- Why Dogs Make Mistakes
- Reactivity & Aggression
- The theory and exercises used in behavior modification
- The Progression of a Behavior
- How to Adapt to the Various Stages
- Placing Proper Structure
- Apply Boundaries in a Humane and Ethical Way for Professionals and Owners
- Evaluating the Handler’s Emotions
- Evaluating the Handler’s Communication
A serious love of dogs and a willingness to learn new theories and techniques.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!